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August 13, 2024

We are excited about the new school year at Grandview-Hopkins ISD. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child's educational experience, and we begin the new school year, here is some information for you to help get the year started.

School Bus- The Pampa bus route will be the same as last year. The bus will leave the parking lot at 7:25 in the morning and return around 4:00 p.m. each day. For the rural route, Mrs. Stidham will contact you with pick up and drop off times

New Staff at Grandview-Hopkins- Mrs. Warmisnki, our long time school nurse, retired last spring, and we are glad to have Heather Maul as our new school nurse. She will be here every other Monday to help the students and staff as needed. Kimberly Marshall is also new to our staff, and will be working part-time in the office. We are glad to have Mrs. Marshall as part of our team.

Staff Changes- We are very pleased to announce that for the 2024-25 school year Mrs. Camden will serve as a part-time Assistant Principal. She will continue teaching her kindergarten class, and will use part of her afternoon to perform her job as assistant principal. Mrs. Camden will be responsible for helping with student discipline and other student issues, along with performing other administrative duties as needed.

New Math Curriculum- You will notice a change to your child's mathematics curriculum for 2024-25 school year. The district has purchased the Saxon Math program for all k-6 classrooms, and you will be seeing and hearing more about it as we begin implementation of this new curriculum. We are excited about it, and think it will be a positive change to our mathematics program.

School Communication- We work hard to communicate with our school community during the school year, and our two primary means of communication are our school-wide texting system, which is how you are receiving this communication, and for more direct communication from your child's teacher, the district uses the Remind app. If you need to sign up or have questions about either of these methods of communication, contact your child's teacher.

Thank you,

Mr. Hargis



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